When Growing Kids to Greatness, Don't Praise Them This Way

parenting Feb 12, 2022

We as parents are always looking for ways to support and encourage our kids, right?

Did you know tweaking one subtle angle in the way you praise your child can make all the difference in their development?

I was stunned this week to see Trevor Ragan's presentation sharing what Carol Dweck's study showed.

What you learn from the above video will likely revolutionize the way you cheer your kids on to be the best they can be.

As the Coach Mom Tribe works through our action steps to organize or homes and families each week this year we will be keeping this at the forefront of our minds.

As we praise our children, we will make sure we put more emphasis on the process and effort rather than their intelligence or abilities.

Here's to raising kids who are always growing toward greatness!

One way we can coach them toward greatness is to train them how to organize their own room and stuff.

To get Brenna's free OAK (Organizing Alongside Kids) Mindmap, click here.


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