From Frazzled to Fun

Helping moms create space for fun, family, and faith

Your Family's Health: 5 Shockers

health Oct 05, 2024

Posting today with a recommendation to listen to this interview, which could be a big help as you navigate your family's health journey.

You most likely will be shocked to hear what Dr. Ardis has to share.

Due to the number of people who have reached out to me regarding this interview from last week telling me they not only listened to it but also took notes on it, I feel the need to share it with you.

Here are just 5 of the takeaways:

1. Did you know you have been feeding nicotine to your family all your life and didn't know it?

It's in

  • cauliflower
  • celery
  • eggplant
  • green tomatoes

Nicotine is in God-given plants?

Yes, and every immune cell has nicotine receptors to turn them on. 

2. The nicotine in cigarettes is only addictive because of the pyrazine chemicals added to it...addictive because of added chemicals, not because of the nicotine itself. (Mind blown!)

3.This natural substance, nicotine, is proven and...

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Party with a Purpose

It's time to wake up and get into action! Those of us who love God must all work together for the sake of our children and our children's children.

And we can even do it through creative ways like hosting a party, mentioned later in this post.

We are in a battle to save the lives of babies, the reproductive future of our children, God's plan for marriage and the family, and America's freedoms.

Why would you not get involved right now in choosing government leaders?

  • You are frustrated with the system?
  • You are too overwhelmed with your own personal life and family?
  • You are confused by all the mixed messages?
  • You have a dislike for politics?
  • You feel an aversion to a personality?
  • You don't feel it will make a difference?
  • You don't feel you have the time?

I encourage you to remember this: When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan. Prov. 29:2

We must push past obstacles that would keep us from engaging in Jesus' Name for...

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A New Family Movie Recommendation

faith inspiration parenting Aug 17, 2024

Whoever wants the next generation the most will get them.

That is the message of the new movie The Forge, by the Kendrick Brothers, makers of War Room.

So many great takeaways about life choices, prayer, the difference investing time in another can make...

A powerful movie for families.

Showings begin on Friday, Aug. 23!

What would keep you and your family from going next weekend?

You can watch the trailer and purchase tickets here.

Chris and I had the chance to preview the movie last month.

We loved it and are purchasing tickets for our kids who would like to see it.

Enjoy! (And let's keep supporting makers of good movies!)

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Instant Pot Lentil Soup with Ham

recipes Aug 09, 2024

Inspired by one of my faves, natural healing teacher Barbara O'Neill, I for the first time started making lentils...and we love them!

This Instant Pot Lentil Soup is made with a leftover ham bone (or any ham you have), for a super easy, yummy, inexpensive and freezable weeknight meal! 

My family talks about how you can feel the nourishment in every bite. And others I have made it for have used the same word! The lentils bring a great source of protein, and, overall, it is just so nutritious.

Now this is the kind of comfort food I love to serve!


  • 3 T butter
  • 2 onions, diced
  • 4 ribs celery, diced
  • 4 carrots, diced
  • 2-4 garlic cloves, diced (If you don't have any, it's still good without it though)
  • 2-4 jalapeno peppers (if you like it spicy)
  • 1 ham bone or 6 oz. ham can be used (optional)
  • 1 lb. dry lentils sorted through and rinsed
  • 6 c. chicken stock/broth or veggie stock, water, or a mixture
  • 1 tsp red pepper flakes (optional, to add more...
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Worship & Resist - Walk On Water

faith inspiration Aug 03, 2024

I know you are tired, but it's time for some W.O.W.!

The battle between darkness and light has never raged more blatantly in our day...the assassination attempt of a president, witches worldwide pacting to bind Trump with magical spells (tonight at 10:10 pm), and the "Woke-Lympics" (Even viewing the Olympics is not safe for your children anymore!), to name a few.

And it's likely to get worse, as there are rumblings of possible blackouts, coordinated terrorist cell uprisings, another assassination attempt, another virus, and food supply disruptions as the dark side is desperate to throw everything out in one last attempt to hijack our God-given freedoms and this Land of Liberty.

As I sought the Lord on what to send out to you today, the above painting by Kristine Monaghan came to mind. 

In the midst of the storm all around us, we must keep our eyes on Jesus, trust in Him, walk forward and encourage our families to...

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Responding to the Scandalous Olympic Opening Ceremonies

faith Aug 01, 2024

What we saw in the 2024 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremonies was not okay...



A mockery.


Parents can't feel confident to sit down and watch the Olympics with their children anymore?

We've got to stand up against this. 

I'm grateful that Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano submitted a powerful public statement, full of strength and truth. 

Also beautifully written, harpist and young mama Heidi Hernandez posted this statement on Facebook.

What can you do?

1. Click here to message Congress

After you do that, it will take you to

2. A page to file a complaint with the FCC

And, most of all, pray.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Eph. 6:12)



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Stabilizing in the Midst of Chaos

faith inspiration Jul 19, 2024

We are living in times that will be talked about for generations.

I've been saying for 4 years that the based-on-true-story movie that will be made of these times we are living in could be the best of all time....

The lies

The betrayal

The treason

The magnitude of impact

The stakes

If we were blind to it before, the event that happened Saturday evening July 13, 2024, showed the evil that threatens our very Republic, which impacts all of our lives. 

My challenge to you: How do you want your kids to remember how you got through this time?

Someone who...


....did not fear?

...believed what the Bible says about God's power in and through us?

This is a time for us to pray more and worship more.

 "For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Eph. 6:12)

In the enemy's desperation with all the...

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A Must-See Movie about Foster/Adoption

faith inspiration Jul 04, 2024

This weekend is the release of Angel Studio's new movie Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot.

I encourage you to get your tickets now to go see it.

The movie is based on a true story about families from a rural church in East Texas who changed history by adopting 77 unwanted children from the foster care system.

This rural community demonstrated that with love and action, the battle for America's most vulnerable can be won.

It also shows the transformative power of community. 

My family and I have 10 tickets to see the movie this weekend. (Look for the "group discount" button to buy 5/get 5 free and go with friends!)

Could you take your family  this week?

By supporting Sound of Hope, you help raise awareness of the need in the foster care system and you help provide for the next culturally impacting movie to be made.


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New album release!

in my life inspiration May 30, 2024

Did you hear? Taylor's album is out on all platforms!

Sit, listen and take in these anointed songs.

They will take you to new places with the Lord.

Download Together to your favorite platform today!

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Something Every Parent Must Consider

health parenting May 30, 2024

At the risk of upsetting a few people, I feel because of information I learned from three sources that all came to me on the same day last year and then more information I learned this week, that I must bring up once again a question for consideration that is pertinent to all moms...

Is it in my child's best interest to be vaccinated with the recommended childhood vaccines?

If I had it to do all over again, I would take the time to find the answer to that question by doing more research (how much did I do when my children were young? None) before allowing my children to receive the battery of recommended vaccines at each age and stage.

One question I would ask at my local health food store -- tell me more about homeo prophylactic oral drops that give immunity against MMR, meningitis and the other diseases we are wanting to avoid.

 I simply want to inform you of resources I have seen that might aid you in your research:

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