From Frazzled to Fun

Helping moms create space for fun, family, and faith

When Mother's Day is Painful

faith parenting May 05, 2021
As Mother's Day nears, with it to many comes the pain of the memory of children lost through miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, or early infant death.
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13
I don't know anyone who offers comfort better than my dear friend Jill Rhodes -- I'm bringing you a message from her that expresses my heart today.
As Jill says, "There is no pain in life quite like the death of a child -- whether pre-birth or post-birth. Many of us still carry the tender wounds from having to let go of our precious little ones, regardless of how long it has been."
Know that the Lord holds your precious little one for you until you can again.
I encourage you to lift your arms to Heaven, and say aloud, "I choose to release all grief from my soul in Jesus' Name," and let His comfort and peace wash over your heart.
Please take...
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Why is the World so Evil?

faith inspiration May 01, 2021

I heard someone say this last week,

"People ask, 'Why is the world so evil?'

I answer,'Because we as believers are not taking our authority and executing Heaven on earth.'"

What? Are you saying it's our fault?

It made me think of a verse that keeps coming up lately, Matthew 16:19: "I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven..."

Then it became clear to me how important it is for us to receive the keys when I saw a father toss his keys to his 4-year-old daughter....

Hear the story here.

I pray your mama bear rises up and you pray with a new resolution and authority.

Comment below and let me know one thing you are standing for in prayer right now.

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Bye-bye, Laundry Piles

How would you like to say bye-bye to those nagging laundry piles?

Laundry is one of those things that always seems to be hanging over moms' heads, and it can be terribly draining. These are just a few of the problems:

  • It takes so much emotional energy to sort the clothes back to the owners...and there are so many clothes
  • Laundry sits in baskets for days awaiting folding
  • Folded laundry sits in piles waiting to be put away
  • Mom is the only one doing it

Here's an idea - LET EVERYONE CARRY THEIR LOAD (pun intended).

Can you imagine a world where everyone ages 3 and up does their own laundry?

How would that impact your life on a week-to-week basis, and how many extra hours would that buy you in a month?

 I dare you to try.

 To make the change, communication will be important. These are questions to ask each family member that can help set them up for success -- it simplifies, equips and tailors their experience:

 1. What can you get rid of from your drawers and...

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An Easter Prayer

faith inspiration Apr 03, 2021

I dare you to pray this aloud...

An Easter Prayer

Jesus my Lord, you defeated death and the grave! 

I reflect on your amazing grace and rejoice in your salvation.

Shine your light in me, through me, over me.

Remind me as a believer in Christ that I have your Resurrection Power fueling my daily life.

Lord, help me to live in the gladness and grace of Easter Sunday everyday, proclaiming your good news to everyone in my path.

May I reflect your peace and hope to a world that so desperately needs your presence and healing.

Thanks be to you God, for your indescribable gift! To you be glory and honor, on this Resurrection Day, and forever.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Praying you and your family have a blessed Easter!


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Got 'Nuff Prayer?

faith inspiration Mar 27, 2021

Have you ever wondered why you should persevere in prayer?

  • To persuade God to overcome his reluctance?
  • But what if we know it is God's will?

Dutch Sheets shared an insightful message on this a few days ago that has me extra excited about the power of prayer and why we must persevere.

Dutch shared that "just as invisible elements of our natural world can be measured, such as oxygen or carbon dioxide, there are unseen spiritual substances, as well, which are no less real and exist in varying degrees or measures."

This is important when we realize the truth that God has made a decision to work on earth through humans.

In the Bible we see stories that demonstrate times when something was God's idea, God's timing, and God's will. Yet it took persevering prayer to accomplish it.

"I realized that when perseverance in prayer was necessary, it wasn’t to persuade God or overcome His reluctance. It was to release more of His power," said Dutch.


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Calling All Mama Bears

faith Mar 06, 2021

Calling all mama bears! 

Can we agree that we've never seen a time like this? We might think that our battle is with people or a political party or other things we can see, but let me remind us that  God's word says our battle is in the unseen:

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of the dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12 NIV

Every struggle plaguing us is a battle between darkness and light, death and life.

Death, you say?

  • the death of over a million innocent & defenseless lives every year through abortion
  • the death of many through a virus
  • the death of a government run by the people and for the people
  • the death of the nuclear family as designed by God
  • the death of children's God-given destinies as they are tricked into believing they are not what God created them to be
  • the death of children's God-given destinies through sex...
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Do You Feel Like Quitting?


Do you ever just feel like giving up?

You have hopes, but keep hitting roadblocks...

it's just too hard?

I had that day a few months back and God sent me a message at just the right time --

It came out through my printer!

Please allow me to share the story with you through this video.

It encouraged me, and I hope it will also encourage you.

Comment and let me know that you are choosing to NOT quit.

If you have a friend who is ready to quit, please share this post with her.

Blessings, my friend!

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Praying in Unity Starting on Ash Wednesday

faith Feb 17, 2021

I think most agree at this point we find ourselves in that God is our only hope.

This past year we have seen everything else crumble around us. It's time to, in unity, lift up our eyes to the One who can help us.

Would you like to join me and thousands of others on a 40-day prayer journey?

WayMakers for years has been publishing a 40-day prayer guide leading up to Easter that includes prayers of biblical hope.

Every year I look forward to praying through it, knowing the powerful prayers will be mixed with people from all around the world. It's so exciting!

So, order your copy today and let's get started. 

For yourself:

Get the Seek God for the City 2021 eBook here. (Or you can also order a paper copy of the book there.)

For your kids:

With specially-written prayers from the same Bible verses, the Children’s Guide to Seek God for the City 2021 helps families pray together and empowers kids to learn how to pray for their community. Get the no-cost,...

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A Scripture for You

faith Feb 13, 2021

Happy Valentines Day!

I made this printable 1 John 3:18 scripture -- download it, print it off, and post it in your home. If you have a 4x6 frame on hand, this will fit into it perfectly.

I pray will be a blessing to you and your family.

Helping moms move from frazzled to fun moms drives me every day.

I strive to inspire moms to turn their eyes up to the Lord, and take practical steps in their homes to make things more sane so they have more space to love Him and their family.

Download this gift, then share this post with a friend so the scripture can bless her family, too. 

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Happy Heart Day in Honor of Baby Dottie

in my life Feb 06, 2021

Dottie was not even a week old and she was in the biggest fight of her life...a fight for life.

We were all praying, including Kathy, who showed up at prayer group with some of the cutest little shoes. They were for Dottie. 

"Every girl's gotta have red shoes," Kathy said. "Especially when your name is Dorothy."

Baby Dorothy, "Dottie", was born 21 months ago to our niece Caitlin and husband Brad. An ultrasound had shown that the heart might be irregular, but they had no idea until she was born that she had only half a heart, and a very rare and serious version of it.

 God's provision was unreal: the best surgeon in the world for this type of surgery served at Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital Children's Heart Center, right there in Houston. Parents from all over the world bring their children to this surgeon because he is the only one that offers this surgery.

Dottie had to fight through two lengthy open heart surgeries within the first two months -- the...

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