From Frazzled to Fun

Helping moms create space for fun, family, and faith

Rocks, a Sack...and Forgiveness

faith inspiration Apr 09, 2022

Heart check!

Leading up to Easter is a great time to examine our hearts and ask the Lord to clean them up and make them whole. We need to do it, and we can help our children do it, too.

Here’s an easy-to-do object lesson to help your kids understand how to keep their souls free. Gather large rocks or heavy books, a sack, masking tape, and a Sharpie marker.

  1. Ask your children to think of someone they may need to forgive. Here are a few prompts:
    1. Did someone say something that embarrassed you
    2. Did someone take something that belonged to you?
    3. Did someone make you feel bad about yourself?
  2. Talk about the feelings that can result from hurts like that (resentment, hate, revenge, anger and bitterness) and write those things on the masking tape, labeling each rock or heavy object.
  3. Put the items in the sack.
  4. Have each child take turns walking around the room holding the loaded sack, and explain that carrying around feelings such as anger and unforgiveness in their hearts is an even...
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The Best Love Letter Ever Written

faith inspiration Apr 02, 2022

Can I encourage you to grab a cup of coffee or tea, take a 7-minute soul "spa" moment, and reflect on your Heavenly Father's great love for you?

He knows you, He sees you, and He loves you.

Barry Adams in 1999 felt the Lord whisper to his heart that if he could put the scriptures in the right order they would form a love letter.

In January 2000 his love letter almost shut down the internet because so many people were viewing it at once. It has now been translated into more than 120 languages -- 100 million people have read and heard it so far. 

Take a few minutes and bask in his love by clicking here.

It will make you a better mom. :)

I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge--that you may be filled...
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Green Enchiladas Chicken Soup

recipes Mar 26, 2022

This week I had the joy of eating some of the tastiest soup, made by my friend Maggie.

I just have to share it with you, because not only is it delicious, it is also easy to prepare.

See instructions below for preparing in either the Instant Pot, on the stovetop, or in a slow cooker.

Green Enchiladas Chicken Soup - makes 12 servings

2.5 lb. boneless chicken breasts or thighs (or a purchased large rotisserie chicken)

28 oz. green enchilada sauce

24 oz. chicken broth

2 c. Monterey Jack cheese

4 oz. cream cheese (at room temperature)

4 oz. green salsa (salsa verde)

1 c. half and half

salt and pepper, to taste

Instant Pot Instructions

1. Cook chicken on high pressure with 1 c. of broth for 8 minutes. Do a quick release after 10 min. Remove chicken and shred.

2. Set pot to medium saute, add remaining broth, shredded chicken, enchilada sauce, salsa and heat until warm. Add cheese and remaining ingredients. Stir until cheese is melted. Season with salt and pepper.


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Simple Key to Helping Your Child Reach Their Potential

parenting Mar 19, 2022

"My children are learners."

Did you know that viewing our kids as learners can have a significant impact on their growth?

Check out this video by Trevor Ragan that explains

1. how our beliefs about others change the way we treat them, and

2. how that impacts their growth

Are you ready to give an encouraging word?

Here's to kids who are confident to try new things and grow in their abilities!


P.S. Follow me on Instagram at coachmomtribe.

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6 Steps to Sibling Kindness in Your Home

parenting Mar 12, 2022

This month the Coach Mom Tribe mommas are having all kinds of sibling kindness in our home.

See YOUR kids serve up kindness to each other at your next family dinner by doing one of the simple exercises.

Host a Family Gratitude Dinner this weekend!

  1. Give each person a piece of paper and have them write their name at the top. (If you have young children who can’t write words yet, you might use full sheets of copy paper or cardstock so they can draw pictures.) A note card size might be good for older children, making it easy for people to keep it and look back on it.
  2. Everyone passes their papers to the right.
  3. Each person writes down one thing about that person that they are thankful for (If your family has 4 or less members, everyone writes down 2 things.) Prompts:

    a. You are so _______________________.

    b. I like _________________________ about you.
  4. Repeat until the papers are held by the person sitting just to the left of the person whose sheet they hold.
  5. Starting...
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A Great Lent Resource for Families

faith Mar 02, 2022

Wednesday, March 2 is the first day of Lent

Would you like to know about a great Lent resource to use with your kids?   

It's an amazing 40-day prayer guide produced by Waymakers. It is truly one of the most powerful resources I have seen. And to think that people all around the world are praying the same powerful prayers together each day...WOW!  

"We do our best praying when we pray beyond our personal needs and persistently pray toward the great things that God has purposed to accomplish in history. We do our best praying for others when we envision and intercede for the good things that God has desired for them. We do our best praying as a people, united and focused by God’s word" (

A Guide for Kids

Pray with the kids using this prayer guide kids version. Just download for free and print. 

The App

Follow along on your tablet or phone: Seek God for the City 2022 App 


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When Growing Kids to Greatness, Don't Praise Them This Way

parenting Feb 12, 2022

We as parents are always looking for ways to support and encourage our kids, right?

Did you know tweaking one subtle angle in the way you praise your child can make all the difference in their development?

I was stunned this week to see Trevor Ragan's presentation sharing what Carol Dweck's study showed.

What you learn from the above video will likely revolutionize the way you cheer your kids on to be the best they can be.

As the Coach Mom Tribe works through our action steps to organize or homes and families each week this year we will be keeping this at the forefront of our minds.

As we praise our children, we will make sure we put more emphasis on the process and effort rather than their intelligence or abilities.

Here's to raising kids who are always growing toward greatness!

One way we can coach them toward greatness is to train them how to organize their own room and stuff.

To get Brenna's free OAK (Organizing Alongside Kids) Mindmap, click...

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Super SIMPLE yet Meaningful Thanksgiving Activity

faith inspiration Nov 20, 2021

Mama, have I got an off the chain Thanksgiving activity for you!

Why so OTC?

  • So simple
  • Inexpensive
  • Requires very little prep
  • Meaningful
  •  For all ages
  • A great around-the-table activity
  • Is useful after the activity is over

What is it?


In a meeting this month with my Coach Mom Triber moms, they each shared at least one favorite holiday tradition. They had so many great ideas!

Veronica Bezanson shared what a hit a Thanksgiving paper chain was with her family. 

I realize you kindergarten teachers, first grade teachers, and homeschool moms are already on this, but many of us have forgotten about paper chains!

I challenge you to do this Thanksgiving Paper Chain activity for your family this Thanksgiving:

  1. Get paper (even copy paper white will do! That weight is the best because you don't want it to be too thick.)
  2. Turn your paper landscape
  3. Using a ruler, take a pencil and score it the width of the ruler top to bottom all the way across...
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Are you Centered?

faith inspiration Nov 13, 2021

One day in June I was laid out in a lounge chair feeling lifeless and discouraged because I was on Day 12 of COVID. 

Answering a FaceTime call, I saw my son Micah. He was calling from Guatemala where he was serving on a medical mission. 

I was clearly not looking my best or sounding my best and he could read the discouragement all over me.

He happened to be sitting at a keyboard, and, after letting me share a little with him about how things were going he played a chord and started singing. "Jesus at the center of it all, Jesus at the center of it all...." (And he went on to sing all the verses of the song.)

Tears streamed down my face as the song lifted my spirits and the hope and peace of God washed over me.

Reality sunk in -- this was a temporary trouble. And Jesus, the always faithful and always able One, is at the center of everything in my life.

Besides that, I was blessed to have a son who cared so much...

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Chrisโ€™ Award-Winning Sonoran Chicken Chili Recipe

recipes Nov 06, 2021

Reposted from November 3, 2009...(because yes, people are still asking as the word has spread) :)

For all the people beating down my door for my husband’s award-winning recipe since last week’s chili cook-off, this one’s for you.

It is a "chopping intensive" recipe, but if you don’t mind spending a little more time in the kitchen, this one seems to be one that all people do prefer to eat (and will actually fight over for the last bowl)!

Drum roll, please…

Chris’ Award-Winning Sonoran Chicken Chili

3 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cubed
1 pkg. of Eckrich skinless smoked sausage, sliced/diced
1 whole white onion, diced

1 bulb fresh garlic, minced <or> 2 T. minced garlic

2-3 stalks of celery, diced
1 pkg. frozen white corn
1 yellow bell pepper, diced
6 habanero peppers <or>
2 large poblano pepper + 1 jalapeno pepper + red/yellow bell peppers
½ cup cooking white wine <or> ½ c. ginger ale (optional)
1 can...

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