From Frazzled to Fun

Helping moms create space for fun, family, and faith

Don't Try to Declutter Without These

home organization Jan 09, 2021
Want to fast track yourself out of the clutter in your house?

"Stuff" can have such a grip on us for so many reasons.

Sometimes the best thing to get us to do what's right -- let go to free up space, time and energy -- is to know the right question to ask ourselves.

Motivating Questions: Which one is most motivating to you? And to your family members?

  • Who could be getting use out of this every day?
  • What is the worst thing that could happen if I get rid of this?
  • Can I take a picture of it and then let it go?
  • What could I sell this for?
  • Would I rather have the item or would I rather have the space it takes?

So what do you think? Which one does it for you? And your family members?

Identify that, write it down, and use it over and over and over again.

That is exactly what the mamas in the Jan. 4-8 Organizing Alongside Kids (OAK) Challenge have been doing this week. I am absolutely thrilled with the physical and mental blocks that they have overcome in order to...

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2020...BEST YEAR EVER...period.

faith inspiration Jan 02, 2021

2020...BEST YEAR EVER...period.

This past year goes down as my most ironic calendar ever

Every day in the midst of "one more" unprecedented and unexpected change, I kept seeing...


On New Year's Eve my family and I lingered around the table and I was blown away as we recounted how many great things actually DID happen in our lives in the midst of all of 2020's twists and turns.

I am grateful the first week of January 2020 I felt the Lord whisper to my heart Redeem the time on your knees. 

As I sought to honor that directive and carved out more time than usual to pray and be in the Word, I saw Him multiply my time in unexpected ways and was reminded of Matthew 6:33, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."

If I had known in January all the challenges that the next 12 months would hold, it would have been too heavy a burden to bear.

But day by day the Lord met me as I bent my...

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Merry Christmas from the Stulls

Uncategorized Dec 24, 2020

Christmas blessings from my family to yours.

I hope you have been able to sit down, inhale and exhale deeply, and take a break from all that it takes to orchestrate a family Christmas celebration -- the food, decorations, and gift planning and preparation.


Wishing you a Christmas season of

hope, that comes from our Savior Jesus Christ

peace, that, in Him, passes understanding

joy, that we have in Jesus, and

love, that Jesus has for us.

Jesus is the light of the world, and brightens all things. So we shine as He resides in our hearts by faith.


Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matt. 5:16 


In these times of continued uncertainty may we do as the Psalmist said, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth." (Psalm 121 KJV)


God bless you and yours,




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Yes, Santa is real

parenting Dec 19, 2020

Mama, is Santa real?

Do you know the history behind that jolly red-suited gift-giving legend?

Check out this documentary, hosted by historian/archeologist Mark Wilson. 

Instead of traveling to the North Pole, he goes to modern day Turkey to explore.

There he digs up clues that tell us a lot about the man behind the legend.

Maybe you will want to share this with your kids, too? You can watch at this link or find it on Amazon Prime.

Praying you are having a blessed Christmas season.

May that Saint Nicholas spirit of giving and generosity prevail in us not only this month, but throughout the year.


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Sign up Now for an Organized House :)

home organization Dec 12, 2020

Mom of elementary aged (or older) kids, are you ready to get the clutter moved out and get organized in a way that 3-4x your efforts? 

What if you could do that by having your kids gladly work alongside you?

But that would be a grumpfest if I tried to get my kids to help, you are thinking? It’s easier to just do it myself.

I’m here to tell you that you can

  • multiply your efforts
  • motivate your kids while training them in good life skills
  • weave “teamwork” into the fiber of your family
  • have fun doing it and
  • end up with results that you can all be proud of!

“When it’s time to get something done I realize I haven’t been the best at communicating at the best times and in the right ways, so instead of everything going just smoothly, it’s gone bumpy often with bad attitudes, including my own,” says Nicolette Scarborough, Estes Park CO mom of boys ages 13, 11, and 8.  

She said,  "So we are...

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Cute Christmas Card Display Ideas

home organization Dec 05, 2020

In Christmases past, have you ever wished you had a better plan to enjoy the Christmas cards you receive?

I found a few ideas for Christmas card displays that I thought you might like to make yourself.

This DIY Christmas Card Tree by Driven by Decor is simple and adorable. 

Also, Minted has16 Unique Ideas for Christmas card displays here.

These were my favorites:

  • Display bars
  • Twinkly Lights Card Display
  • Wall Tree Card Holder (zig-zagged twine)
  • Binder Ring Christmas Card Flip Book

Which is your favorite? Or do you have an idea to share? I would love to hear it.

Praying you have a peaceful and joyful Christmas season, and that the cards you receive are reminders of the many blessings in your life in a year of tough realities.

May the God of hope fill you with all JOY and PEACE as you trust in Him, so that you may be filled with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13


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Christmas Gift Snoopers? Get sneaky

home organization Nov 21, 2020

The case of trying to thwart the snooper...I worked so hard at it a few Decembers ago that I have yet to find that sweater that my daughter pined for and I was sure she would not have the self-control to leave alone! (It's probably 2 sizes too small at this point....)

Do snoopers get active at your house before Christmas?

Oh, the thought of those gifts makes things soooo tempting!

It's time for you to get sneaky, girls. 

I've got a few tips for you:

  • DO NOT hide in “traditional” places where kids will search (i.e. the floor or shelf of your closet, under the bed, etc.)
  • DO keep track of where the gifts are kept. Jot down in notes on your phone where to find things when it is wrapping time.
  • DO keep as many gifts hidden in one place as possible. Ideas:
    • In an empty diaper box (put one layer of diapers on top to cover)
    • In a large suitcase stored in its usual spot
    • In a grocery bag that is hung around the neck of a...
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The Thanksgiving History Public Schools Never Teach

faith inspiration Nov 21, 2020

I pray a blessed Thanksgiving for you and your family this year.

I would guess your kids aren't being taught the strong Christian origins of not only Thanksgiving, but the founding of America itself?

I know I never heard it in school, and much of it I only learned this year after doing some digging.

Hear my short teaching on what I discovered.

A few things included in that teaching:

  • The first landing of America in 1607 included a group that erected a 7-foot oak cross and prayed (after they had spent 3 days ashore on the ship in repentance and prayer to embark as "right" with the Lord)
  • At that first landing, Rev. Robert Hunt consecrated the continent to the glory of God. In covenantal language he declared, “…from these very shores the Gospel shall go forth to not only this New World, but the entire world.”
  • Thirteen years later in 1620, the Pilgrims came to America in pursuit of holiness and the building of an ideal Christian...
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Need a Blessing?

faith Nov 14, 2020

Weary? Not surprised.

I'm praying for you.

And I have a special song for you.

Listen here and really take it all in.

You will keep in perfect peace
those whose minds are steadfast, 
because they trust in you. 
Isaiah 26:3

Dear sister, let's look to the Lord's strength and keep our minds steadfast on Him. He is the Ancient of Days, the One who parted the Red Sea, the One who is Always True and Always Able. 

We are living in exciting times -- we must make sure we get right before the Lord and then stay in constant prayer as we go through our days in such a time as this. 

I believe we are about to see the Glory of the Lord like we have not seen in our lifetime.

I also believe God is looking for faithful servants who are willing to walk forward in courage and accept His power from on high to be used in great ways for His Kingdom's purposes.

I'm raising my hand. Will you join me?

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Planning for a Great Family Picture

Thought about family photos this year yet?

While we most likely have all had more time with our children than we had anticipated this year, we may not have thought much about how they have grown and changed through the course of it.

Because our mental space has been filled up with the "extras" of pandemic and election concerns, I thought you might appreciate a little nudge that this might be a good time to think about a family picture.

Here are a few questions to help you make a great plan for family pictures this year:

  • Color theme?
    • some solids
    • mix in a few touches of patterns to tie colors together
  • Pose considerations
    • try to have everyone touching at least one other person (i.e. hand on a shoulder, etc.)
    • for older kids, remind them that if it bends, to bend it a little (elbows, knees, etc) so they don't appear stiff
    • when in doubt, lay on your tummies and pile the kids on top (hides bigger waistlines and also gets everyone really close in for the picture)
    • ...
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