From Frazzled to Fun

Helping moms create space for fun, family, and faith

God Bless You on Mother's Day

inspiration parenting May 11, 2024

Mama, you hold so much together for your family.

I pray the Lord blesses you with a desire to persist in faith-filled and cheerful steadfastness, no matter the course, no matter the road, no matter the obstacles.

May He pour into you a fresh breath of endurance, strength and courage for such a time as this, eyes on the Forever Faithful One.

Amen and God bless you,



P.S. If you are a foster or adoptive mom, I want to invite you to join the Truth Mom Tribe. It's a community for honest, free and fun foster and adoptive living. Click here to learn more.

P.S.S. Not a foster or adoptive mom? For Mother's Day, bless a foster/adoptive mom with the gift of Truth Mom Tribe, which includes resources and encouragement for every member of her family. 

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A Video Peek into Coach Mom Live 2024

faith inspiration parenting Mar 16, 2024

I'm still rejoicing over how the Lord met us in such a powerful way at the Coach Mom Live Retreat in Phoenix a few weekends ago.

I so appreciate everyone who shared their talents to make it such a special weekend.

My daughter Mari made this video showing highlights from the weekend, which includes some of the moms sharing what the time meant to them.

Again, one of the most powerful moments this year was the time the foster and adoptive moms shared their stories with each other.

Where to go from here...

I am excited to continue the love and support by opening the doors to Truth Mom Tribe, a community for honest, free, and fun foster and adoptive living.

If you are a foster or adoptive mom, or seek to know how best to support your foster and adoptive mom friends, I hope you will consider joining the Truth Mom Tribe!

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Barbara O’Neill Flu Bomb Home Remedy

health parenting recipes Dec 07, 2023

"It will knock out most sicknesses in three days," according to health teacher Barbara O'Neill, when she talks about her "flu bomb" recipe. 

This natural remedy, recommended by Barbara O'Neill, provides the body with the environment it needs to heal, without the negative side effects that come with pharmaceutical drugs. (It's also cost-effective!)

Each ingredient in this recipe serves a specific purpose in promoting healing within the body.

  • Garlic, a "natural antibiotic" also helps with boosting the immune system. (One study cited that one clove of garlic is 6x more potent than the antibiotic Tetracycline) It's also anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-yeast.
  • Ginger has anti-inflammaory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and is best known to help reduce nausea.
  • Lemon juice is high in vitamin C, which can help boost the immune system, while honey is full of antioxidants and provides soothing relief for the throat.
  • *Eucalyptus oil has been...
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Police Warn Parents: Beware of iPhone’s New ‘NameDrop’ Feature

parenting Dec 02, 2023

According to the Epoch Times, multiple U.S. police departments issued alerts about a new iPhone feature that allows sharing contact info and images wirelessly between two closely held devices, warning it could put children and other vulnerable individuals at risk.

“If you have an iPhone and have done the recent iOS 17 update, they’ve installed a feature called NameDrop. This feature allows you to easily share contact information and photos to another iPhone by just holding the phones close together,” the Middletown Division of Police, Ohio, said in a Nov. 26 Facebook post. “PARENTS: Don’t forget to change these settings on your child’s phone to help keep them safe as well!”

“With this feature enabled, anyone can place their phone next to yours (or your child’s phone) and automatically receive their contact information to include their picture, phone number, email address, and more, with a tap of your unlocked...

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7 Things to Do Now, In Fearful Times

faith parenting Nov 09, 2023

God flew me all the way to Africa and back, 20 checkpoints each way, with an airline ticket that had the wrong LAST NAME. Yep…it was a miracle! 

I only got detained 3 times. Each time they came and profusely apologized, letting me pass through without speaking a word on my behalf!

I love to share my most exciting God stories. But I realize they all have one thing in common: a certain degree of peril

The idea of living out more God miracles sounds amazing… just never seems like a convenient time….

Right now, we all stand in a unique time ourselves…

War, threats of organized terrorist groups on our own soil who have entered through our open borders, political unrest, bank closures, and food chain disruptions all threaten our sense of peace.

But I encourage you to not be dismayed or discouraged.

One thing we know from the past: The biggest challenges are God's biggest opportunities to show...

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Gender Confusion: Help for Parents to Help Their Kids

parenting Sep 09, 2023

I felt the Lord's fierce love and compassion for today's youth as I heard Holy Spirit whisper to my heart, "For those lucky enough to even be born [and not aborted], they have had nefarious campaigns against them all of their days."

That recently happened on my weekday morning prayer call when someone was voicing a prayer for the children and the troubling things they are into.

One of those "nefarious campaigns"

The stealing of their very identities...and the confusion, defeat, hopelessness, and scars that come with it.

Yes, gender confusion.

We cannot ignore this.

Our children are getting the gender confusion campaign message from society at every turn, and they need our protection, whether they recognize that need or not.

It's time to take get equipped.

I encourage you to watch the award-winning docudrama & panel discussion:

Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities 

Kudos to Moms For America and the Epoch...

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Exposed: Scholastic Book Fair

parenting Sep 02, 2023

Of all the things we have to be diligent to protect our children from, who would have thought it would be a book fair

Yes, the "longtime trusted" Scholastic Books can't be trusted.

Not anymore.

It's not the company you knew as a child.

You won't believe the content Scholastic is trying to feed children in their 75,000 book fairs this year.

These books, peddled to pre-K to middle school children, include pornography, obscenities, same-sex parents, stories that portray parents as evil and homophobic, hidden LGBTQ content, and graphic novels that truly are graphic.

See this PDF document that is going viral exposing Scholastic (Warning: graphic content included).

As you look at the content, it will be clear to you: Scholastic no longer cares about your children.

They care about promoting an ideology that is spiritually, physically, and mentally
harmful to your children. 

Bud Light and Target are getting a good taste...

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This Roar Painting Says it All

faith inspiration parenting Aug 26, 2023

It's time to STAND. Actually let's ROAR.

What we believe is not what we say, but what we do.

Do you believe all humans have been given unalienable rights by our Creator...Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, to name a few?

How are you exemplifying that now in the choices you make in these ongoing unprecedented times?

Do you want life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for your children's future?

Mama, it's time to show your children what you believe and to live it out


In case you hadn't heard:

  • Colleges are reinstituting their COVID mandates. Over 100 schools have put in place a vaccine mandate
  • A major Hollywood studio, Lionsgate, is bringing back mask mandates, contact tracing, and  mandatory COVID tests
  • $1.4 billion dollars is being spent to develop yet another (the 7th) COVID booster
  • The federal government is buying up new COVID supplies in...
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Beat Colds and Flu with this Simple Bath

health parenting Aug 19, 2023

Would you like to know a simple something you can do to combat those colds and flus that might soon be lurking now that school has started and fall and winter are around the corner?

Try a detox bath.


Detox Bath

2 C. epsom salts

2 C. baking soda

2 C. hydrogen peroxide



1. Run a bath with hot water

2. Add 2 cups of epsom salts

3. Add 2 cups baking soda

4. Add 2 cups hydrogen peroxide

5. Submerge body from the shoulders down into the water

6. Soak for a half hour

7. Have a glass of water to drink so you can stay hydrated

8. Rinse with water in the shower if skin is itchy afterwards. (But avoid using soaps, shampoos or lotions because pores will be open and will more easily absorb artificial fragrances, dyes, and toxic chemicals.) 

8. A few hours after the bath, organic coconut oil can be applied on the skin to keep it healthy. 

9. Keep drinking water for good hydration.


I have heard about this simple recipe now from a...

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Do This and You Will Make History

faith parenting Jul 29, 2023

“Prayers outlive the lives of those who uttered them; outlive a generation, outlive an age, outlive a world.” – E.M Bounds

How would you like to 

  1. Be a part of a prayer movement of mamas that change history by gathering once a month with 2-3 friends or your family to pray
  2. Raise up your kids understanding how to pray powerful prayers
  3. Have the prayer plan already laid out for you, so all you have to do is download the prayer guide each month

I heard Jenny Donnelly recently share that the Lord has laid on her heart the mission to organize 250,000 prayer hubs to meet once a month and pray for one hour.

A prayer hub is simply 2-3 people who meet once a month to pray.

You can do this with other moms (2-3, or up to 10) if you would like.

Or you can do this as a family!

Will you commit to this?

After you register, you will have access to each month's prayer guide.

She has specific prayer guides for kids, too! One for ages 6 and under and...

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