From Frazzled to Fun

Helping moms create space for fun, family, and faith

Barbara Oā€™Neill Flu Bomb Home Remedy

health parenting recipes Dec 07, 2023

"It will knock out most sicknesses in three days," according to health teacher Barbara O'Neill, when she talks about her "flu bomb" recipe. 

This natural remedy, recommended by Barbara O'Neill, provides the body with the environment it needs to heal, without the negative side effects that come with pharmaceutical drugs. (It's also cost-effective!)

Each ingredient in this recipe serves a specific purpose in promoting healing within the body.

  • Garlic, a "natural antibiotic" also helps with boosting the immune system. (One study cited that one clove of garlic is 6x more potent than the antibiotic Tetracycline) It's also anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-yeast.
  • Ginger has anti-inflammaory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and is best known to help reduce nausea.
  • Lemon juice is high in vitamin C, which can help boost the immune system, while honey is full of antioxidants and provides soothing relief for the throat.
  • *Eucalyptus oil has been...
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Beat Colds and Flu with this Simple Bath

health parenting Aug 19, 2023

Would you like to know a simple something you can do to combat those colds and flus that might soon be lurking now that school has started and fall and winter are around the corner?

Try a detox bath.


Detox Bath

2 C. epsom salts

2 C. baking soda

2 C. hydrogen peroxide



1. Run a bath with hot water

2. Add 2 cups of epsom salts

3. Add 2 cups baking soda

4. Add 2 cups hydrogen peroxide

5. Submerge body from the shoulders down into the water

6. Soak for a half hour

7. Have a glass of water to drink so you can stay hydrated

8. Rinse with water in the shower if skin is itchy afterwards. (But avoid using soaps, shampoos or lotions because pores will be open and will more easily absorb artificial fragrances, dyes, and toxic chemicals.) 

8. A few hours after the bath, organic coconut oil can be applied on the skin to keep it healthy. 

9. Keep drinking water for good hydration.


I have heard about this simple recipe now from a...

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