From Frazzled to Fun

Helping moms create space for fun, family, and faith

A Key Step to Spruce up Your Home

home organization Apr 22, 2023

Feeling that Spring Cleaning itch?

I sure was!

So Coach Mom Tribers are in the midst of a Make a Clean Sweep Contest.

We are focusing on sprucing up the common areas that guests would visit.

So...the front porch, the entry, family room, kitchen, back patio, etc.

If you'd also like to bring a little sparkle and freshness to your own home...

...the first step is seeing things from a fresh perspective.

(We can get used to our "stuff" sitting around, can't we?...til we just overlook it altogether.)

Do this:

  1. Supplies needed: phone (or camera), paper, pen
  2. Pretend this is the first time you are seeing your house.
  3. Walk outside your house and then walk back in, as if you are a first-time guest.
  4. Take photos to capture the “before” and help you to see where needed changes are
  5. Study the photos and jot down areas that need change, so when you have an extra few minutes, you know what to do
  6. Work in 15-minute increments daily on your listed tasks and...
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One Simple Way to Not Undermine Your Child's Success

faith inspiration parenting Mar 25, 2023

I've given up canceling out my own prayers for my child.

What do I mean?

Well, let's consider something that I really wanted to see change in for my child.

For example, my child was making selfish choices and always seemed to put herself above others.

When I was in a quiet reflective moment I prayed that the Lord will help her to learn to put others first and be more considerate of others.

Later in the day, when bringing in a pizza for the family and a few friends I said to my husband,  "Oh boy, here we go again...she's going to push to the front and rush to get the biggest piece as soon as we come through the door, just like she always does."

Wait a second.

Back up.

I had to ask myself, Do I believe the Bible is true?

Because I know it says this: "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever...

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A Coach Mom Live Double Limerick

inspiration parenting Mar 18, 2023

A mom's retreat, friends made so dear

Many touching moments that brought a tear

We really chilled 

Our cups were filled

And connected with beautiful peers.


With a new perspective hope appears

And a moment to breathe, we see God is near

So take a peek

At something you might seek

To add to your *calendar for next year.



*Feb. 23-24, 2024

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The Sturdy Bridge of Faith

faith Mar 04, 2023

"I'm heading out to grab some lunch," said our friend Josh who ran AV at the retreat. My mind reeled with thoughts of how badly I wished I had some cash right now to hand him. He was sooo kind to give of his time....

 At that very moment my friend Vicki walked up and said, "Brenna, I just sold two t-shirts" and handed me a twenty dollar bill. 

It was almost one solid movement from her hand to my hand and then my hand to his hand!

This is the perfect example of how every detail for this event has come together, I immediately realized. Just at the time there was a need, it was met.

(And it was the one and only time anyone handed me cash all weekend, even with all the books and t-shirts that sold.)

Though it seemed like a daunting task in October when I felt the Lord leading me to have a Coach Mom Live Retreat, I moved forward in faith and I testify to the Lord's goodness and provision in every way.

I heard Priscilla Shirer the week before...

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Aslan is on the move -- revival is HERE

faith Feb 18, 2023

Have you been fearful for the future of your children in this world that has most recently seemed like everything has been turned on its head?

Be hopeful, mama! We are now seeing glimpses of what the future holds...

Revival is here!

You may remember my Aslan is on the Move blog post from two years ago that compared our "dark winter" season with that written about in The Lion,The Witch and the Wardrobe and ended with this prayer:

Father, I believe you will defeat the spiritual darkness and bring about the Great Awakening and Revival that many of us have felt you have promised. Help me to STAND, be still before you, and watch for your salvation.

Friend, it is happening now!

On Wednesday, Feb. 8, at Asbury University, the speaker for their morning chapel service closed with a simple prayer:

"Jesus, do a new thing in our midst. Revive us in your love."

A few students gathered afterwards and one student's repentance led to another, and students began to...

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Simple Valentine' Doesn't Take Much

marriage Feb 11, 2023


Make it meaningful for your man with just a little thoughtfulness and a few minutes this year for Valentines. 

Think outside the box. 

How about taking a sheet of paper, writing out things you love about him, and posting it where he will see it every day? 

Talk about impact!

I want to share some posts I put up years ago that continue to strengthen my husband and our marriage. These are so old, worn out and quickly done that it's almost embarrassing to share, but I want you to see how easy it really can be.

This one, for his birthday, I taped inside his closet. (If I would have written this same thing on a card, how many times would he have seen it in comparison?)

From brainstorm to posting probably took 5-7 minutes. Notice how I listed specific things about him. Details mean so much when it comes to expressing admiration and love.

Are you thinking this doesn't look doable right now for you in your busy season?

How about the...

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Free Crisis Help for Women Ages 13-32

faith parenting Jan 21, 2023

A young woman from my daughter's high school found out she was pregnant a few months ago. We tried to help, offering to throw her a baby shower and encouraging her. Unfortunately, the pressures became too great and she terminated the pregnancy with an abortion.

If only she had been given more support, I know the situation could have been different.


Do you have a hurting young woman in your life?

Do you have a friend who has a daughter in crisis?

Are you a young woman who is struggling with a life-altering issue?


Mercy Multiplied, a faith-based organization founded by Nancy Alcorn offers help and hope for young women in of charge.

Mercy’s Residential Program helps young women ages 13-32 break free from life-controlling issues and situations, including: 


Where are the residential locations?

  • ...
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Your Invitation to Retreat to Rest, Reflect, and Reset

Click here for a video invitation to Coach Mom Live!

Most moms desire to live in a loving, thriving family environment where everyone wins. But they find themselves exhausted and overwhelmed much of the time, feeling they have too many things to do and too little time to do them.

Coach Mom Live is a fun and encouraging getaway that equips and empowers you as a mom to move from frazzled to fun. 

I want to invite you into the fun!

Coach Mom Live Retreat

Friday and Saturday, Feb. 24 & 25, 2023

Arcadia City Church, Phoenix AZ

Use promo code: JANUARY2023  by Jan. 31 for $25 off!

Highlights: Pam Farrel, author of 58 books; homemade cinnamon rolls, special sessions for adoptive parents, fun prizes, and more.

Yes, it will be worth your while! You will

  • Take a break and take a breath
  • Connect and be understood
  • Be encouraged and equipped

Don't let overwhelm, distraction or procrastination to cause these key years to pass by without living with...

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Pray For and Message our New Congress

faith Jan 14, 2023

"We pray Your blessing on us this day, O Lord. Trusting in Your daily provision, may we find ourselves like trees planted by water, that we may receive the strength and refreshment You provide. In this may we face the heat of the day and the drought of spirit that attend the demands on our time.

Reveal to us the sustenance available to us as our roots, our very beings, reach deep to find anchor in Your truth. Grant us the security of Your protection as we yearn for the refuge of Your steadfast love.

Then may we, as a Congress, as a country, and as communities seek to rid ourselves of fear and anxiety by placing our trust and confidence in You. Extend to us Your wisdom that we need not depend on our own understanding.

Test our minds this day and search our hearts. If we are found wanting, be gracious unto us.

In You does our hope find its foundation and, in Your name, will our prayers be answered. Amen."


Was this prayer, so powerful, from the opening of a long-ago Congress...

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Steps to Finding Your Word for the Year

faith inspiration Dec 31, 2022

Have you heard friends talk about their "word for the year" and wondered how they found it? And what difference it made in their life?

Twenty-three years ago when I created my DIY prayer notebook, I began seeking a word, scripture, or phrase that the Lord would give me as my focus to write on the first page so that I could see it every morning and live intentionally.

Those words, scriptures and phrases through the years have provided me great inspiration and focus

And it's really cool to look back on them as I have those pages all still in the front of my journal, starting with the most recent.

I encourage you to give it a try! 

My simple step-by-step process for finding your "word for the year":

  1. Get a pen and paper, find a quiet spot for 5-10 minutes, and ready your heart to hear from the Lord.
  2. Pray something like this: “Lord, clear my heart and mind so that I may hear from you. Spirit of Truth, speak to me as I...
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