From Frazzled to Fun

Helping moms create space for fun, family, and faith

Gratitude: The #1 Life-changing Virtue

faith inspiration Nov 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!

May all our days be filled with gratitude and thanksgiving.

Even science proves that it has a great impact on one's mental and emotional health.

Some thoughts on thanksgiving that I journaled this last week from a compilation of sermons by Bill Johnson:

  • Thankfulness is an expression of trust that keeps us conscious of the Presence of God
  • Thanksgiving enables us to take what the enemy meant for evil and transfer it into to the hands of God, knowing that He is causing all things to work together for our good.
  • When we are thankful, we sanitize our touch and involvement in the matters our our lives. It removes the remaining "flesh influence" that defiles what God might do.
  • Thankfulness sanctifies.
  • When I am thankful, everything in my life is usable to God.
  • Thankfulness is an automatic position of humility, the #1 virtue that changes a person's life.
  • Thankfulness can change the nature of a family line

I am thank God for the privilege of being...

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7 Things to Do Now, In Fearful Times

faith parenting Nov 09, 2023

God flew me all the way to Africa and back, 20 checkpoints each way, with an airline ticket that had the wrong LAST NAME. Yep…it was a miracle! 

I only got detained 3 times. Each time they came and profusely apologized, letting me pass through without speaking a word on my behalf!

I love to share my most exciting God stories. But I realize they all have one thing in common: a certain degree of peril

The idea of living out more God miracles sounds amazing… just never seems like a convenient time….

Right now, we all stand in a unique time ourselves…

War, threats of organized terrorist groups on our own soil who have entered through our open borders, political unrest, bank closures, and food chain disruptions all threaten our sense of peace.

But I encourage you to not be dismayed or discouraged.

One thing we know from the past: The biggest challenges are God's biggest opportunities to show...

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Don't Miss This Powerful Movie on Oct. 31

faith Oct 28, 2023

Have you heard about After Death, a new movie by the makers of The Chosen and Sound of Freedom?

The movie tells the stories of 14 people who clinically died, and came back to tell about it.

Producer Stephen Gray said that out of the thousands of stories they looked through in the making of this movie, they were amazed to find 40 similar testimonial data points across these people of all sorts of religious backgrounds.

For us, watching After Death will be a great alternative activity on Oct. 31...dinner and a movie!

(If you are wondering why we choose to do alternate activities on Oct. 31, here you can find a video of me explaining 7 questions we answered to make that decision.)

Opening weekend is such a powerful time to watch a film, especially for independent films like After Death. The more people come out for it, the longer the movie will be shown. So let's show up on Oct. 31! 

Get tickets...

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An Urgent Call to Prayer

faith Oct 13, 2023

We are living in times that we cannot risk prayerlessness.


This week it was reported that Israel was barbarically attacked by the Islamic terrorist organization Hamas. Not just going for the military, but a ruthless attack -- killing grandmothers, families, and even infants.

"There have been about 1,200 Israelis that have been butchered by Hamas terrorists. That is the equivalent to around 30,000 or 40,000 Americans, if you adjust for population.” said Karys Rhea, a fellow with the Jewish Leadership Project.

Rhea said they suffered the bloodiest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust.


Khaled Mashal, a leader and founding member of the Islamic terror group Hamas, has called for a global Day of Rage on Friday, saying “this is the time for Jihad,” according to American Greatness.

Mashal called all Muslims "to show anger,...

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Your Husband Will Treat You Like a Queen

marriage Oct 07, 2023

Would you like to be treated royally in your marriage?

Treat your husband like a king and eventually he will treat you like a queen! 

(Of course I can't guarantee this, but I can say that this will greatly increase the probability!) :)

As women we can be very good at harping on husbands’ faults and failures, but that only leads to discontent and distance in marriage.

Yelling, nagging, and belittling are disrespectful and ineffective.

But respect is everything.

Last weekend at a women's conference in Sedona, AZ, I led a breakout and shared "The Daughter of the King's Guide to Being Treated Royally", which includes 8 action steps.

Catch that video teaching here if you'd like to transform your marriage.

You may also choose to print off the handout:

PDF sharing 8 practical things you can do to revolutionize your marriage

And here is a "7 Days to a Superman Husband" printable postcard bonus with simple...

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A Few Minutes Each Day to Do This: Game Changer

faith Sep 30, 2023

A little more than a year ago I started a new and powerful habit: taking communion daily.

If you've been walking with me for very long, you probably have picked up on my attitude about how I want to live. I once heard someone say, "When my alarm clock goes off, I want the devil to say, 'Oh no, she's up again!'"


This daily communion addition I believe has been powerful and, if you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, I want to encourage you to consider doing the same.

If we didn't understand before that we are in a daily battle between good and evil, I'm pretty sure we all realize that at this point in history.

It's fierce and this is no time to be complacent.

In the shakings, our families need us to fight for them.

A reminder of where our absolute victory in this battle we are in is found in this verse:

“They overcame him [the accuser of the brethren] by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their...

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DDD: The Discerning Date night Dare

patriot Sep 23, 2023

I dare you...take the DDD.

It's the Discerning Date night Dare.

1. Set a date with your husband

2. Put the kids to bed

3. Pop some popcorn and get comfy

4. Watch The Greatest Show on Earth (2023) (for free! 1 hr. 20 mins.)

5. Have a discussion about your thoughts (my prediction is that you will have a lot to discuss)


Why is it the DDD? (Discerning Date night Dare?)

Well, have you ever asked

What in the world is going on in our world these days?

This film might help you discern answers to that question.

Also, It's DDD because I challenge you to do your own research on the topics discussed in the film and discern what you believe to be reality.


We are living in historic times, and under the circumstances, you might have to do a little digging rather than be spoon-fed by the mainstream media.

Nick Alvear, in his film The Greatest Show on Earth, did a lot of digging himself and packaged it in such a...

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Gender Confusion: Help for Parents to Help Their Kids

parenting Sep 09, 2023

I felt the Lord's fierce love and compassion for today's youth as I heard Holy Spirit whisper to my heart, "For those lucky enough to even be born [and not aborted], they have had nefarious campaigns against them all of their days."

That recently happened on my weekday morning prayer call when someone was voicing a prayer for the children and the troubling things they are into.

One of those "nefarious campaigns"

The stealing of their very identities...and the confusion, defeat, hopelessness, and scars that come with it.

Yes, gender confusion.

We cannot ignore this.

Our children are getting the gender confusion campaign message from society at every turn, and they need our protection, whether they recognize that need or not.

It's time to take get equipped.

I encourage you to watch the award-winning docudrama & panel discussion:

Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities 

Kudos to Moms For America and the Epoch...

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Exposed: Scholastic Book Fair

parenting Sep 02, 2023

Of all the things we have to be diligent to protect our children from, who would have thought it would be a book fair

Yes, the "longtime trusted" Scholastic Books can't be trusted.

Not anymore.

It's not the company you knew as a child.

You won't believe the content Scholastic is trying to feed children in their 75,000 book fairs this year.

These books, peddled to pre-K to middle school children, include pornography, obscenities, same-sex parents, stories that portray parents as evil and homophobic, hidden LGBTQ content, and graphic novels that truly are graphic.

See this PDF document that is going viral exposing Scholastic (Warning: graphic content included).

As you look at the content, it will be clear to you: Scholastic no longer cares about your children.

They care about promoting an ideology that is spiritually, physically, and mentally
harmful to your children. 

Bud Light and Target are getting a good taste...

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This Roar Painting Says it All

faith inspiration parenting Aug 26, 2023

It's time to STAND. Actually let's ROAR.

What we believe is not what we say, but what we do.

Do you believe all humans have been given unalienable rights by our Creator...Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, to name a few?

How are you exemplifying that now in the choices you make in these ongoing unprecedented times?

Do you want life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for your children's future?

Mama, it's time to show your children what you believe and to live it out


In case you hadn't heard:

  • Colleges are reinstituting their COVID mandates. Over 100 schools have put in place a vaccine mandate
  • A major Hollywood studio, Lionsgate, is bringing back mask mandates, contact tracing, and  mandatory COVID tests
  • $1.4 billion dollars is being spent to develop yet another (the 7th) COVID booster
  • The federal government is buying up new COVID supplies in...
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